Wednesday, December 31, 2008

dolphins play with silver rings

*******************I DON'T OWN CLIPS OR SONG!!!!!!******************** i dont remember where i got this, i think off the internet i dont own it. i didnt record it,and i dont kno wat the music is. i was going thru files on my computer (sheer boredom caused that) and i came accross the clips, so i decided to make a video out of them. THANKS GO TO MeerkatGal FOR SHOWING ME HOW TO MAKE MY LIL SYMBOL AT THE BOTTOM!!!! thank you meerKatGal!!! X) ok, so heres the lil notice that goes at the bottom: if u want to use the clips in this video,just message me and ask NICELY. cuz imma be putting my protection symbol on the bottom of my vids from now on :) the dolphins make these rings (idk how) but they are rings of bubbles that they make,play with, then pop. and make more :) its cool.

Author: catbird4657cp
Keywords: dolphins sliver rings bubbles underwater aquarium aquatic mammals cute
Added: December 30, 2008

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