Sunday, March 1, 2009

Jonas Brothers 3D experience rap!

this rap was made for the jonas brothers(: we made this completley ourselves. lyrics : You should really see the jobro movie You will probably thinks it truly groovy Kevin is the boy who plays guitar Joe rocks out just like a rockstar Theres nick the cutie who plays and sings All three boys wear purity rings But we can not forget frank the tank The little bonus jonas we have to thank But remember this movie is in three dee Show your support and wear a jonas tee Break out your wallets its 15 dollars So come see the show and pop ur collars But go see the movie its really hott You better get there early or you wont get a spot Maybe if your lucky you'll see them there They're surprising all there fan just because they care There F-F-E is really chill Those boys dress hot with looks to kill Big rob is there with his own closeup With his wicked fly rap in burning up There hanging out and having some fun But they cant do nothing till there work is done There living the dream and thats alright Thats all there is so goodnight. WORD. ©sarah and nichole (:

Author: sarahxkellee
Keywords: Jonas Brothers 3D movie Love Music Rap
Added: February 28, 2009

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