Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pride Love-A Jelena Story Trailer

Here is the Trailer of Pride Love. This is my first series. I'm sorry there is no music in the video but I promise that the first episode will have music. Please comment, rate, subscribe. xoxo, Amy 3 comments Nick, Demi, Selena, Miley, Cody - 10th graders (sophomore)-16 Joe, Taylor, Chelsea - 11th graders (junior)-17 Ashley, Kevin, Zac, Vanessa - 12th graders (senior)-18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selena-She is a sophomore at Pride High School. Popular and very pretty. Straight A student. She has a sister Ashley, who is a senior at Pride High. Her best friends are Demi, Miley, Cody, Zac, Vanessa. Varsity cheer captain. Girls envy her and guys drool over her. She is very rich. She is not stuck up or snobby but she is caring and nice. Is single at the moment. Looking for her true prince. Demi-She is a sophomore at Pride High School. Popular and pretty. Straight B student. She has a sister Vanessa, who is a senior at Pride High. Her best friends are Selena, Miley, Cody, Ashley, Zac. Captain of the girls Varsity soccer team. She is not rich or poor. Middle standard. She is understanding. Is single at moment. Joe-He is starting Pride High School. Junior. He has two brothers Nick and Kevin. Loves to play football. Is single. Nick-He is starting Pride High School with his two brothers Joe and Kevin. A sophmore. Plays baseball. Is single. Kevin-He is starting Pride High School with his two brothers Nick and Joe. A senior. Loves to play basketball. Is single. Miley-She is a sophomore at Pride High School. Kinda popular and kinda pretty. Straight B student. Her best friends are Selena, Demi, Ashley, Vanessa, Zac, Cody. Regular cheer captain. She is unique in her own ways. Currently likes Cody but too afraid to ask him out. Is single. Ashley-She is a senior at Pride High School. Popular and Pretty. Has a sister Selena, who is a sophomore at Pride High. Her best friends are Demi, Vanessa, Miley, Zac, Cody. She is very rich. Plays volleyball. Sweet to everyone expect the people she hates. Is single. Vanessa-She is a senior at Pride High School. Popular and pretty. Has a sister Demi, who is a sophomore at Pride High. Her best friends are Selena, Ashley, Miley, Cody, Zac. Middle standard. Loyal to her friends. Currently likes Zac but doesn't want to ruin their friendship by asking him out. Is single. Zac-He is a senior at Pride High. Popular and Hot. His best friends are Vanessa, Ashley, Demi, Selena, Miley, Cody. He is rich. Plays football. Respectful to his friends and family. Currently likes Vanessa but afraid that she doesn't like him back. Is single. Cody-He is a sophomore at Pride High School. Kinda popular and cute. His best friends are Selena, Demi, Miley, Vanessa, Ashley, Zac. Plays baseball. Helpful in his own way. Currently crushing on Miley but too shy to ask her out. Is single. Taylor-She is a junior at Pride High School. Middle standard. Snobby and Stuck-up. Thinks she is better than everyone. Hates Vanessa, Ashley, Selena, and Demi. Mostly Vanessa because she knows that Zac likes Vanessa. Loves Zac and tries to flirt with him but fails. Is single. Chelsea-She is a junior at Pride High School. Snobby and stuck-up. Follows Taylor around like she is a queen. Middle Standards. Hates Vanessa, Ashley, Miley, Selena, and Demi. Kinda likes Cody. 1st episode will be out soon. Thank youxD

Author: anuka331
Keywords: jelena zanessa nemi ciley kashley love story OneTrueMedia
Added: February 28, 2009

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